
Wednesday 12 June 2013

What you didn't realise

What men really think... 

We all know that makeup enhances the way we look, it is specifically designed to make you look better so we shouldn't believe that its not there for that reason. However the amount we use effects the way we look, just like when you paint a wall in your house if you use the wrong colours or you do a bad job its doesn't look its best. Makeup is a very similar principle if you use the wrong shades or colours for you skin you will end up highlighting the differences.

 Men will always judge a women instantly when meeting them, so its important for a women to look great on your first meet, looking your best is kept in reserve for when you want to blow his mind. If you go all out on the first date he's never going to be surprised further into the relationship. Plus its also means that if he isn't attracted to you looking great then you haven't wasted time making yourself look your best.

You have to remember that if things were to hit off, he is going to eventually see you without any makeup on so you cant get away from it. So make sure that if you are having a bad hair day or things aren't going right that you don't cancel that date because he's going to see it soon. Allowing a man to see you without make up on is quite a big deal, its showing to him that you feel comfortable around him and that you trust him.

Its a well know fact that women take longer to get ready than men, however there are exceptions to that when the man can take longer but that's rare. So make sure that you aren't focused on your appearance at all times for example when going swimming you can't cancel because you cant look your best, he wont like that. He wants a women that likes to look good but who can also let her hair down at the right times.

There is nothing worse to a man than finding makeup marks on his clothing after being with you. Men prefer women to have a more natural look focusing on accentuating the main features of the face and toning down the parts that aren't as important.
 A natural face is alot more attractive than a face full of slap, he is sure to find you more attractive if you show your natural beauty instead of trying to be something your not.

Just remember less is more....

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